The Chicago Board of Tirade
Jason Chaffetz is wrong, wrong, wrong, partly correct & wrong

In a July 4th editorial, former Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) opined that America has much for which to be thankful. While no one wants to argue with that, Chaffetz’s reasoning is as corrupt as the man’s soul.
That editorial which, not surprisingly, appeared on Fox News Live is entitled July 4, 2021: 5 reasons to be grateful for America this Independence Day.
Chaffetz served as Utah’s 3rd District congressman from 2009 to 2017 and head of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform from 2015 until 2017.
Chaffetz used (abused) his position to relentlessly investigate and harass both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton; some of the most partisan, politically motivated machinations we’ve ever seen in government.
Believe it or not, Chaffetz was once a Democrat (he worked for Michael Dukakis), but found it more lucrative to cater to the donor class and more liberating to be freed from the bonds of truth.
Trey Gowdie (R-SC), one time House attack dog admitted not only that the entire purpose of the hearings he chaired for the Hillary Clinton investigations were purely for political purposes, but that his entire time in Congress was wasted.
Clearly Chaffetz seeks neither truth nor justice, since he found no reasons to pursue crimes committed by Donnie Trump as revealed in the Mueller Report, the (Republican) Senate’s 1,000 page report on the 2016 election, the first impeachment, the second impeachment, Donnie’s BIG LIE or his incitement of a violent insurrection at our nation’s Capitol.
Chaffetz chose to use the annual commemoration of the Declaration of Independence to rewrite history and plant himself firmly in the Trump camp.
The subtitle of Chaffetz’s article is: Instead of focusing on what went wrong over the past year and a half, we should consider what went right.
From this writer’s point of view, things didn’t start going right until January 20, 2021, but history – if not allowed to be rewritten by the lying liars who now claim that the violent attack on our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021 did not happen – will record Donnie Trump’s response to the COVID-19 as criminal negligence.
Let’s look at Chaffetz’s 5 reasons one at a time:
- American Ingenuity: Chaffetz incorrectly attributes America’s response to our ingenuity and Operation Warp Speed, despite the fact that there is no evidence whatsoever that the latter contributed anything to development or implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Two of the first vaccines, Moderna and Pfizer were based on 30-year research by a Hungarian born scientist working for a German company. Pfizer, first to market partnered with the company, BioNTech and took no federal money to develop the vaccine.
Moderna’s race to market with Pfizer had more to do with their stock price than any type of government incentive.
- Selfless Approach. This one must be a joke. The Trump administration was about nothing more than enriching the Trump family, their friends and donors and enacting the foreign policy of Vladimir Putin.
Chaffetz thanks our military and first responders, the former called losers by our EX-President and the latter now being excoriated by him for doing their job when they tried to protect the U.S. Capitol from a violent, mob attack.
- Freedom of Speech. Here Chaffetz obviously and shamelessly attacks social media for giving Donnie the boot, something to which he voluntarily agreed when he accepted their Terms of Service.
The irony is that they (the lying liars of the U.S. of Trump) think private platforms should protect Donnie’s right to lie and incite riots and that he should be able to use the power of the presidency (and his crack legal team) to silence his critics.
- Generosity. Chaffetz cites the following statistic: Only 18 percent of the $427 billion in charitable donations made by Americans in 2018 came from foundations. The bulk of charitable donations – 68% in 2018 – are made by individuals.
Those numbers are mostly true, although pre-COVID and not completely accurate. But yeah, good for us.
- Spirit of the American People. This country is more deeply and violently divided than anytime in my (7 decade) lifetime. More so than during Vietnam or the Civil Rights movement, more so than any time since the Civil War.
Tens of millions of Americans live in a reality of their own making, one that simply does not exist and readily devour increasingly bizarre and dangerous theories of how the other side is eating babies and plotting to destroy America.
This chasm in American society is neither healthy nor sustainable and if it is representative of the American spirit, it needs to be quashed.
The lying liars who use fraudulent claims of voter fraud, claims that have been repeatedly disproven to enact laws restricting voter access to the other side are clearly trying to dismantle democracy.
They do not get to celebrate the Declaration of Independence.
They should not be allowed to watch fireworks or fly the American flag. They have shown by their actions that their real allegiance is to the flags of America’s enemies, the Confederate and Nazi flags.
Yes, America is a great country, but we are not being honest with ourselves. Those who stand against immigrants, non-Whites and freedom to criticize one man do not stand for America.
They do not stand for democracy.
It is those who seek to limit the freedoms of anyone who disagrees with them or live their dictated lifestyles that are quashing the dreams and the promise that once was America.
We should, however be grateful for living in America. While we still can.
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Filed under:
America, Commentary, Current Events, GOP, Patriotic, Political, Republican Party
Big Lie, Declaration of Independence, Hillary Clinton, Independence Day, President Barack Obama, Trey Gowdy, Voter Fraud
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Bob Abrams
Bob “RJ” Abrams is a political junkie, all-around malcontent and supporter of America’s warriors. After a career path that took him from merchandising at rock concerts to managing rock bands to a 27-year stint in the pits of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, he’s seen our nation from up and down.
As Regional Coordinator of the Warriors’ Watch Riders (a motorcycle support group for the military and their families) Bob plays an active role in our nation’s support of America’s warriors and their families.
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