Imagine about, let’s say, a good 15 or 16 inches of snow. You own two cars or you rent and have no garage to park the car in. So in order to get around the city or go to your workplace, your car needs to be rescued from under ALL THAT SNOW. SO YOU SCHLEPP OUT WITH THE OLD TRUSTY SHOVEL put in about a steady hour of hard labor shoveling a clear spot and liberating your vehicle from all that snow. Now the thought is hey! once I drive out somebody will take advantage of all my hard labor and snatch MY clean parking spot. But alas, never fear we are in Chicago and we HAVE DIBS.
In case anybody is in the dark on just what DIBS is, I will try and explain. Once the spot is clear the person or persons who labored mightily simply place an object or objects over and on HIS OR HERS cleared out space. It’s now been deemed DIBS. Interlopers beware, the ancient order of DIBS has ruled, It’s mine now not yours.
I can say with all honesty that after 33 years working as a cop in Chicago during the winter season DIBS calls rated right along with domestic calls as far as emotions and danger of bodily harm were concerned. I once (in full uniform) got between two DIBS COMBATANTS ONE WITH A HAMMER AND THE OTHER WITH A (believe it or not a bowling pin) I managed to survive and stay on my feet long enough for my assist to arrive. Believe me, there were many more violent confrontations but you get the picture I’m sure.
I always get asked what were some of the most creative DIBS placeholders I have seen. The photo that accompanies this post is probably one of the most creative. My caption was “IN THE IMMORTAL WORDS OF DIRTY HARRY-“GO AHEAD AND MAKE MY DAY. YIKES, WHO WOULD CHANCE VIOLATING THAT DIBS – So far nobody has dared, but rest assured it is one of the very few that has so far escaped the medieval battles for DIBS PARKING. Above are some of the other examples of dibs in photos. But for lack of proof, I will share some of the creative items I have come across on Chicago’s streets for at least the last 65 years or so. Wooden coffins, church pews, toilets, portable liquor bars, a baby crib with a DOLL inside accompanied by a sign that read: “BABY ASLEEP DO NOT DISTURB.” Also to save space, every imaginable household piece of furniture, including water heaters, and Old air conditioners. So for any of you not familiar with DIBS be careful where you park in Chicago. The city only will pick up the DIBS creativity after ample warnings and cops have become exhausted answering calls of mayhem. Only in Chicago as they say! Let it snow let it snow.
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