Go Do Good!

As earth disintegrated, a PANDEMIC rain fell upon us from the tears of Mother Nature. She got tired of the dirty air and wanted a fresh breath of life.
It was almost as if the world was being taken to school by the mother of all mothers – Mother Earth. Mother Earth was trying to wake up the denizens of the dusty lands, the petulant seas, the white billowy clouds that filled the spots that touched the sky via the peak of a mountain and maybe even those creatures that hid within the earth itself.
I have witnessed numerous memes on social media that depict a politician as holy with a host of angelic minions surrounding the man. Sometimes the minions are caricatures…in other words they’re not real but that’s still apropos since the politician is anything but real. He is the brainchild of those who yearn for a time in the past knowing full well that the world has changed and unfortunately for some turned multi-ethnic. But let’s also not be naïve and believe that everybody feels that way in the 21st Century. We’ve come a long way but it’s obvious we’ve still got a long way to go.
What happened? It appeared that we had gotten over the hump that has from America’s inception been the albatross looped around the neck of Uncle Sam. Somehow, we elected a guy who was half-white and half-black. When you SERIOUSLY think about it, what could have been more ideal? But it was anything but sublime for many who either were mad at themselves for getting swept into the possibility that somehow, we all were passed that hurdle, when, frankly we weren’t. And by the time the black guy came up again for election, it was too late for many in the U.S. to do a mulligan. Hope might have been the black guy’s slogan/logo but Hope really was the wish that, “Great speaker who mesmerized me – but now let’s put this all to rest and bring it back to normal.”
But normal was anything but normal after another loss to the black guy. Nah, that guy was being UPPITY for sure and that would have to be dealt with.
So, we got a normal that was so out of whack with where the earth was headed that it was downright ABNORMAL. And when you tempt the fates, they sometimes don’t appreciate your wiseass temptation. And then look what happened…you got pure unadulterated shit. The kind that is so pervasive that you can’t shovel it fast enough to protect Mother Earth and then bad things happen. Mother is exhausted from the heat strokes that we’ve carelessly and selfishly have asked her to endure.
And maybe we never truly understood that Mother loved us and didn’t ask much. But in my mind, there was no doubt that our planet was so beat that she decided to shut everything down.
And a day or two wouldn’t do. It would be at least a week, maybe two, maybe three, maybe a lifetime before Mother Nature decides to make life normal again. It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature, but we knew that and just looked the other way. Let’s resolve to GO DO GOOD and after this COVID character is dealt with, let’s be a bit nicer to the only planet that we know which welcomes human life.
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Meet The Blogger
citizen john q public
William Natale is an Emmy-award-winning TV producer/director and author of “1968 – A Story As Relevant Today As It Was Then,” (a tale that takes place in Chicago based in part on a true story). Natale served as the director and associate producer for “Water Pressures,” featuring HBO ENTOURAGE star Adrian Grenier, shot on location in India and various cities in the U.S. “Water Pressures,” was broadcast on over 224 PBS stations. Natale was the Chairman of the Broadcast Promotional Marketing Executives (BPME now known as Promax). Natale served as the Marketing & Promotion Director for NBC5 Chicago and the VP/Director of Corporate Communications for WTTW. He also has experience in the education field as the Executive Director for both the downtown and Lombard campuses of the IL Media Schools (vocational colleges that teach broadcast media arts). He also served as the Executive Producer for the Internet Streaming Corporation and WATCH312.com – working with talented individuals such as Candace Jordan (aka Candid Candace). Natale is a native Chicagoan and proud father of three adult children, two daughters and a son.
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