The last 48 hours have been a complete whirlwind after my wife lost the diamond to her wedding ring.
I have crawled on the ground at Home Depot, searching the discarded dirt and dead petals of the garden center. We have emptied bags of moldy trash and tore through dozens of flower pots. I have sifted through endless amounts of dustpans to no avail. At one point I found a piece of windshield glass and was convinced I found the ice! A man who was helping me look for it delivered the bad news saying, “That is NOT the diamond, sorry friend!”
Where was the gem? My mind reeled, and desperation set in. It could have been stuck in a car tire on the way to Wisconsin for all I know?
My wife figured she had lost it during a Thursday afternoon window, from Noon to 5 pm, that included a trip to Home Depot to buy flowers for our condo. She wasn’t sure if it fell into one of the pots, or on the ground, at the store? Also, there was that walk from the car to the back patio, through the alley, ugh! With so many variables it seemed like an impossible mission.
[embedded content]After retracing her steps at every point, I decided to give up for the night. The next morning, as a last-gasp effort, I decided to wipe all the counters down and vacuum. My thought process was, “I’ll wipe every surface off, and then vacuum the whole house. Then I’ll empty the canister in the alley to see if this nearly fifteen-year-old rock turns up?
While wiping underneath our Keurig K-Cup holder I felt something scrape against the counter. I lifted the wet paper towel, and there, amongst breadcrumbs and the tie from a plastic bread bag, lie the motherlode.
I wasn’t sure if this stone was another fake out like the windshield glass, so I brought it to my wife, who was taking a shower. She pulled open the curtain, took one look, and said, “Oh my god, that’s it! You’re my hero!” We both felt like a HUGE weight was lifted.
[embedded content]I paced slowly out of the bathroom to find a plastic bag where the diamond would reside until we could get the setting fixed. Since it’s our fifteenth anniversary this fall, I’m thinking this might be the perfect time to upgrade?
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