Watch R Primary Cand. Pat O’Brien w Berkowitz tonite in Chicago on being a good State’s Attorney & Foxx messes- Bail & Smollett: Cable & Webon March 17, 2020 at 1:09 am
Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz
Watch R Primary Cand. Pat O’Brien w Berkowitz tonite in Chicago on being a good State’s Attorney & Foxx messes- Bail & Smollett: Cable & Web

Tonight’s City of Chicago edition of Public Affairs features Republican Primary Cook County State’s Attorney Candidate Judge Patrick O’Brien. The show airs throughout the City of Chicago proper at 8:30 pm and midnight on Cable Ch. 21 (CAN TV).
How does Judge Pat O’Brien stack up against his Republican Primary opponent, Chris Pfannkuche? Is O’Brien more qualified for the job? Does O’Brien have better experience for the job due to his experience as a TRIAL LAWYER both in and out of the State’s Attorney office?
And, if Pat O’Brien wins the Republican nomination on March 17, how would he stack up against Democratic Party potential opponents: Kim Foxx, Bill Conway, Bob Fioretti and Donna More?
What is the Smollett Kim Fox mess all about? Did Foxx do something wrong (unethical or illegal) to cause the mess? Is it a FIRING offense? Who will do the FIRING if it is? THE PEOPLE? SPECIAL PROSECUTOR DAN WEBB? BOTH WEBB AND THE PEOPLE?
Who gets the credit for homicides declining in Chicago in last 3 years? THE BLAME FOR THE INCREASE IN HOMICIDES THE FIRST 2 MONTHS OF THIS YEAR?
Is the Cook County bail policy a mess? If yes, who to blame? Chief Judge Evans? State’s Attorney Foxx, who has ratified Evans’ and Preckwinkle’s desire to go easy on bail, even for violent offenders– the revolving door, as Mayor Lightfoot put it for dangerous arrestees accused of weapons violations-– nevertheless, Lightfoot endorsed FOXX
What are the most important qualifications to be Cook County State’s Attorney? Does Judge O’Brien have some of them? all of them? Do his actual or potential opponents have the qualifications? The Right Stuff? O’Brien have the Right Stuff? These and many more questions all answered tonight on Public Affairs
You can also watch the show featuring Judge Pat O’Brien 24/7 by clicking here.
Filed under:
Bill Conway, Bob Fioretti, Chief Judge Tim Evans, Cook County Bail Policy, Cook County Jail, Cook County State’s Attorney Democratic Primary, Cook County State’s Attorney Republican Primary, Dan Webb, Dart electronic monitoring, Donna More, Evans’ bail policy, Foxx’s bail policy, Illinois Channel, Jeff Berkowitz, Judge Pat O’Brien, Jussie Smollett, Public Affairs, Special prosecutor Dan Webb. Webb indict Foxx, State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, Tom Dart, Toni Preckwinkle’s bail policy
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