A blast from the past this week finding Kingmaker’s “Really Scrape The Sky” in my Release Radar. Why are they returning, you ask, after all these years? Great question! To give us a brilliant new 5-disc boxset. I might have to find some money, as this package has everything! SOLD! I just became Cherry Red Records’ latest customer.
[embedded content] [embedded content]Travis Barker is now the hardest working man in showbiz, collaborating with everyone from Machinegun Kelly to RTJ. This single has a solid Barker beat and it’s always nice to hear Mike and El run verses.
[embedded content]Marilyn Manson has put together a string of solid songs this last year, including a killer cover of Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.” “We Are Chaos” is another great tune, reminding us all that even evil rockers have to grow up.
!!! has released another single from their latest EP, Certified Heavy Kats, in which they try to mention every “goddamn city” that’s “walking it off.” I’m sure that phrase is code for Fun Cities To Play, but look, Nic Offer and Meah Pace (damn she’s hot) “Can’t say every goddamn city, now can I, Tokyo!”
[embedded content]Whoa, Local H gives us a monstrosity of an instrumental jam session. If you’ve got the time, they have the distortion.
[embedded content]I can’t forget this Hall & Oates demo, “Back In Love Again.” My wife and I can agree that Yacht Rock is great summer fun, and these two dudes make the best of it.
[embedded content]What an interesting piece of rock from Graham Coxon (of Blur fame) and Bastille (of Bastille fame:). There’s a hint of Blur and a dose of Bastille, and I’m happy with the outcome. It’s 2:11 of fun. “Make me paranoid/Love me, hate me fill the void.”
[embedded content]Everything Everything is really pushing the envelope lately. “Violent Sun” could be my favorite song this week, it has the intensity that many bands lack.
[embedded content]Wait, what? Did Weezer release something worthy of two spins? You be the judge.
[embedded content]Jack Jezzro has been in my Radar a lot these days, and for good reason. “Emily” is another beautiful piece of jazz that you’ll want to play on repeat.
[embedded content]Namaste.
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Album Reviews, All About Music
!!!, Boxset, Kingmaker, Local H, Marilyn Manson, Meah Pace, Nic Offer, Release Radar, Spotify