Where Chicago Chefs and Foodies Shop
If you’ve been doing more cooking since you’ve been sheltering in place and are frustrated by not finding what you want at your local supermarket, you are not alone.
But worry, no more.
It’s Green City Market to the rescue.
Green City Market
For more than 20 years, Green City Market has been the leading source of local, sustainable food in Chicago.
The market is a magnet for serious cooks, foodies and chefs from many of Chicago’s finest restaurants who shop side by side with regular folks, kids in strollers and those who may just be looking to get a healthy, tasty, local and seasonable bite to eat.
The Virtual Market
But due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ruling of no groups of ten or more and social distancing, the market has had to put their indoor market on hiatus and currently it’s wait and see if they will be able to open the outdoor market scheduled for May 2.
But leave it to, Bill Kurtis and Sarah Stegner, founding board members of Green City Market, to find a way to make everyone happy with a Virtual Farmer’s Market.
Currently 20 plus farmers are onboard with this Virtual Market that offers everything from fresh produce to meat, breads, soup and even grilled cheese sandwiches.
It won’t be long before all your spring favorites will be coming to the market including garlic scapes, strawberries, rhubarb and those beautiful crunchy radishes. And now, even if you can’t go to the market, you can still get the best of the best at the Virtual Market.
Photo: Carole Kuhrt-Brewer
Here’s How
Just go to the Green City Market website and click on the virtual vendor link on the home page. Once there, you can connect directly with over two dozen local family farmers and artisanal food producers who are able to offer pick up or delivery services.
Click on the farm profiles to learn about the details on how to place orders, where to pick up, or in some cases of larger orders, how to arrange for delivery directly to your home.
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Filed under:
Farmers Markets