Steve SpagnoloReader staffon January 15, 2023 at 10:43 pm

Steve Spagnolo, the chief of government relations and external affairs at the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, has worked for numerous political campaigns as well as for 43rd Ward alderperson Michele Smith. As a child, he lost his father to gun violence. “We need leadership that will hold police accountable, push back against failed ‘tough on crime’ policies, and work to implement impactful crime-reduction strategies,” he says. Alderperson Andre Vasquez (40th Ward) has endorsed.

Candidate questionnaire responses

Do you have experience as an activist or community organizer?
Do you have experience interacting with CPD?
Do you have experience working or interacting with government?
Should the city hire more police officers?
Is CPD adequately funded?
CPD reform:
Mental health crises:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?

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