Sunday, February 7—
Sun and subzero Sunday–Welcome back to Chiberia! Remember Chiberia? Here’s a post from years ago.
Brutally cold wind chills, the lake is steaming. The latest round of snow, from winter storm Peggy, is fortunately light and powdery stuff, and not too much of it.
I wore four layers to shovel and sweep off the front steps, and it was so bright with the sun on the snow, and the fat little sparrows chirping on the neighbor’s roof. No one is out, not even the people walking their dogs.
Yesterday, there were people running in the streets. A little cold isn’t going to deter them. But I don’t see the runners today. Who can blame them with -20 wind chill?
So far, this winter has not been too cold, or too much snow. It’s February now, and days are getting lighter. There is so much to be grateful for.
It has been just over a month that an angry mob stormed the Capitol in an attempted coup. That we can’t forget!
President Biden has been busy since then. Yes, there is work to do. Things are changing.
But there is one thing that hasn’t changed. One question I ask every winter. It has mystified me in all the years I have lived in Chicagoland area. No, not Dibs, which is not unique to Chicago, by the way. Dibs, I can almost understand, even though I don’t drive or have a car.
No, what I can’t understand are the gigantic mountains of snow piled up right at the corners, where people would cross the streets. For the most part, the sidewalks are shoveled. Right now this means there is a covering of snow on the walkways, a cleared path between rounded hills of snow.
Why are there mountains where people would be crossing the streets? It’s almost impossible to make your way over them–and dangerous, too. If you have any clue about this, enlighten me. Please let me know in the comments!
Thank you everyone who has cleared the walkways. Dress warm and travel safely, all you people out, today.
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