Spiritual and Physical Wellness
Take Care of Your Hair

The appearance of our hair is largely determined by genetics. We inherit our hair type from our ancestors. My father had thick hair, so I have thick hair. Although genetics play a major role in the appearance of our hair. It is not the only thing that plays a factor. There are other components that influence its appearance. Our age, hormones, nutrient deficiencies, health, and diet can impact our hair.
Yes, genetics is the foundation for the appearance of our hair; however, we can take steps to maximize its condition. Do not let haircare manufacturers convince you to spend a lot of money on their products. I have brands I like; however, I realize there is not a product that will combat unhealthy lifestyle choices. The best way to take care of your hair is to make your health a priority.
There are nutrients that benefit the hair. These nutrients include vitamins A, C, D, and E, zinc, B vitamins, biotin, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Practicing good nutrition is important for healthy hair. There are foods you can eat that will benefit your hair. Healthy food for the hair includes sardines, walnuts, eggs, shrimp, berries, salmon, and sweet potatoes. Sardines and Salmon have omega-3 fatty acids. Sweet potatoes and spinach contain vitamin A and eggs contain protein and biotin.
There are foods you want to avoid or consume in minimum amounts. Reduce the consumption of sugar and processed foods including white bread, cakes, pastries, and white pasta. There is a belief that high sugar levels have a negative impact on hair growth. Avoid eating fish like Swordfish and Mackerel because they are high in mercury which can cause hair loss.
Stress can cause hair loss. Do your best to take steps to reduce it. Excessive alcohol drinking can also cause hair loss because it impacts the nutrients in your body. Smoking can cause premature graying and make hair dull and brittle. There are medical conditions that can cause hair loss. If you have hair loss, talk to your doctor to make sure there are not any underlying health conditions.
This blog is not to make anyone feel bad about their hair. I believe that people should be comfortable with themselves. Appreciate your hair type. Do not compare yourself to others, just make the best of what you have been given.
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Meet The Blogger
Sheri McIntosh
I have been interested in preventive medicine since my childhood. In the 70s, my aunt would take me with her to meet with a doctor who emphasized preventive medicine. A lot of the things that doctor discussed then has become standard today.
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