I took it and got a perfect score. I returned to normal long ago.
This will sound like more crowing about the open-life in Florida, but thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ realistic, science-based approach to fighting COVID-19 it’s real.
These are the questions in her quiz that I answered “already done it”:
- Eat indoors at a restaurant
- Eat outdoors at a restaurant
- Sit indoors at a bar
- Return to the public pool
- Go to an indoor concert
- Have friends over for dinner inside
- Go to a shopping mall
- Take a road trip
- Hang out on a crowded beach
- Get your teeth cleaned
- Have your routine doctor’s checkups
- Allow service workers into the house
- Attend a religious service or yoga class indoors
- Hug a friend
- Hug a stranger
- Shake someone’s hand
Some questions I answered “not applicable.” But there’s not one listed activity that I haven’t already done that I would hesitate or refuse to do.
Florida has not turned into a catastrophe. While parents and students have been shafted by the teachers union in Chicago, schools have been open since last year–without the kind of outbreak that left-wing partisans have predicted.
My apologies for bringing this up. My sympathies go to those who have been virtually imprisoned and damaged by unwarranted restrictions.
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