Look, it’s time to bring out the whales. Are we living on borrowed time? Who knows? But now is the time to raid the cellar. I know HopButcher just released two new beers today, but I need to break out all the goodies I’ve been saving. There is no better time.
Tonight we opened a 2015 Barrel-Aged “Might Meets Right” Double Rye Imperial Stout from Temperance Beer Company. This was, to me and my cellar, a whale of sorts. Probably old hat to dontdrinkbeer, but I was excited.
This batch was aged for over 9 months in High West Distillery Double Rye Barrels, and what a beautiful monster it has become. I had no idea what we were up against? This is a gigantic beer. Hard to wrap your head around all the nuances from the bourbon, as it keeps changing throughout the drink.
It pours a black motor oil, with nice head retention, and great lacing after a few sips. Rich, molasses-like wafts of caramel begin the olfactory experience. The nose is all Brach’s Milk Maid caramel squares. As I took the first sip, it was screaming a certain type of candy, but I couldn’t recall the name? So, I went onto the trusty old google and came up with “Milk Maids!” That’s exactly what I’m smelling. All this after it sat for five years.
There seem to be hints of chocolate and coffee, but the spiciness of the rye keeps sidetracking my nasal cavity with delights of charred oak and tobacco. I start drinking faster, so my mind can respond to all the flavors, but it’s succumbing to the spirits, and now the lines are blurred.
Do I taste anise, cinnamon, honey, even some medicinal attribute? Like I said earlier, it’s a big beer. Perfect for a nightcap, and still drinking incredible for a beer brewed in 2015.
As I was looking back at the 2015 release for Might Meets Right, I notice the other variants they offered were the 2014 Manhattan, 2015 Double Rye, and 2015 BA Quotidienne. I wish I was at that party.
Stay safe my friends.
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