While President Donald Trump did nothing to halt the coronavirus pandemic, we are ever so grateful that you, Mr. President-elect stepped up to give us a vaccine to fight Covid-19.
In no time at all, you’ve made up for Trump’s dithering response to the highly infectious disease. Mr. President-elect, we know for sure that you’ll get companies to discover and manufacture the vaccine. You’ll put in place a distribution system to ensure that everyone will have access to the vaccine.
Just like you kick started the campaign to secure enough hospital beds, testing kits, ventilators, masks, therapeutics and more to fight Covid-19.
And you’ll get all of this done on the first day of your administration. Bravo! You da man!
This is so, because we know that Trump did nothing, absolutely nothing, to get these things done. You’ve already established a Covid-19 task force that’ll make up for lost time and before we know it, Covid-19 will be driven from our midst. That should take, oh, 30 days at the most.
Unlike the Trump administration that offered no hope, no encouragement, just doom and gloom, the Biden team will turn the tables and, for once, we’ll get a positive outlook for the eradication of the disease. Now that you’ve won the election, the sun has risen, hope is alive and dark clouds have vanished.
The Biden administration will create a first-of-its-kind public-private partnership that will in record time create a safe vaccine. Biden’s team cleared away all those bureaucratic regulations that would have delayed the creation of a useable vaccine for years. And to make it safe, Biden will micromanage the effort from the White House, and, of course follow the science at every turn. I know, your supporters said that whatever vaccine that Trump came up with would be suspicious or unsafe. But because you’re involved now, the vaccine will be safe and anyone who says it isn’t is anti-science.
We all know that Trump hasn’t followed the science, because we can see that the death rate hasn’t gone down and useful therapeutics haven’t been developed. And we’ll be ready for any increase in hospitalizations by bringing in the Army Corps of Engineers to build temporary ICUs and the Navy to deploy its hospital ships to the hardest hit regions. Stuff that Trump didn’t do.
Obviously, lockdowns will be necessary. People must stay home. No one over for Thanksgiving or Christmas. No restaurants or stores open. Small businesses–the biggest source of the pandemic–must permanently shut down. Children and parents will have to adapt to remote learning for, well, until there’s no trace of the disease anywhere in the galaxy. That’s because, as science tells us, children are the most likely to catch and transmit the disease. We know, too, if Trump had imposed a lockdown when the virus was first detected coming from God know where, there’d be no pandemic and a quarter million people would not have died on Trump’s watch.
See, Trump needs to be blamed for all the bad stuff that happened while not getting any credit for anything good that just happened, by coincidence, on his watch.
God bless you, Joe Biden, for getting all that good stuff done without even stepping out of your basement hide-away. If the media had wasted your time by asking any serious questions about how you would do better, you would not have had time to save us.
Happy days are here again.
For those who never heard of Warp Speed or believe it has nothing to do with anything, here’s a link to the Trump administration’s timeline.
For those who swallow whole the Biden criticism that “Trump has no plan!” below is a 60-minutes segment on the Trump administration’s plans for distributing the vaccine.
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