To paraphrase Karl Marx: Americans unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Have you had enough yet? Tired of being herded like sheep? Can’t tolerate anymore getting lectured by the self-appointed better-than-thou suburban ladies for not wearing your mask correctly?
Fed up with the regulations, guidelines, executive orders and all the other prods forcing you to comply with rules that now clearly are ineffective, counter-productive, wrong and just plain stupid?
We’re going into the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic, having progressed through at least three variations of the disease, and according to bright stars like Anthony Fauci we still have no idea when we can take off our masks and move into the less restrict “epidemic” stage. All we get from this despot is mealy mouthed “We don’t knows” as if this national state of imposed suffering will and ought to go on until–what?–hell freezes over?
And yet, the behavior of the Omicron variant is signaling that the pandemic is over. It is squeezing out the more virulent variants with a milder form of the illness. The novel coronavirus is becoming less deadly. It is likely to normalize the virus, becoming little more than an annoying flu–not an end-of-the-world apocalypse. If not, the destruction that the lockdowns and closures have done to us is just as great, if not more so, as the disease,.
It’s impossible to keep up with all of this crap. In Virginia just now, newly elected Gov., Glen Youngkin carried out his promise to put parents back in charge of their kids’ education by promptly issuing an order making mask-wearing by school children optional. Before the ink dried, the holier-than-thou Fairfax County school board countermanded the order, issuing a directive to parents saying, “Uh un, your children still will be required to wear masks.” Who TF are those people?
Especially aggravating is President Joe Biden’s endless murmured demands and mandates that incorrectly assume that vaccines are the cure-all and end-all in the fight against the virus. While, at the same time ignoring the just as, if not more, important, crying need to develop effective treatments to cure patients once they come down with covid. Or to give the green light to existing therapeutics that front-line clinicians have found to be inexpensive and eye-popping effective.
A call for civil disobedience,
Time for non-violent direct action and civil disobedience of the kind practiced so effectively by Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi. Stop wearing your masks. Especially outdoors, which has been perhaps one of the most ignorant, anti-science and imposed practices of this pandemic. Enter restaurants, office buildings and other public places without a mask. If a restaurant, for example, tells you that masks vaccine passports are required, bid the restaurant farewell, forever.
Make a stink when employers demand you be “fully vaccinated” (whatever that means) if you want to keep your job. Picket, sit-in, file suit–whatever it takes. The Dr. Kings, Rosa Parks and others who fought for freedom are regarded today as heroes. The denial of our civil rights and the wrecking of our economy, the abuse of children and the anti-science fallacies being promoted by the mad scientist who have successfully put themselves in charge of out lives requires nothing less.
Time for Americans to stop acting like lemmings marching to the cliff. To stop meekly showing up to be turned into Soylent Green. No, that isn’t too extreme. In the name of the “common good,” Americans are being ordered to destroy our peace of mind, livelihood, well-being and democracy.
This is a crisis of the first order and it’s time for Americans to shed their chains,
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