I decided about two months ago to become a volunteer at the West Suburban Humane Society. I’ve always loved dogs and had my share of cats as well – in part due to my children who loved felines.
The people at a Humane Society are also incredibly nice. They’re empathetic, polite not only to another human colleague but to our four-legged friends as well, and kind, kind, kind, while being patient – very patient!
Like being with a baby, you have to be patient with the young kitties and pups but also exude patience when dealing with the senior citizens of the West Suburban Humane Society, located in Downers Grove, Il. Those older cats and dogs might limp a bit and even carry sad faces because they’ve felt the loss of having people adopt them and then return them for one reason or another. No pet – just brought into a home, a new strange environment for the animal – will be perfect. They need to become comfortable, so, if you do adopt or foster a soul seeking a home, give them a break, give them the benefit of the doubt, and don’t give up on them.
Having worked as a television producer/director of a documentary about the importance of the human/animal bond on health, I know that my time spent with the animals will greatly benefit my health and my state of mind. There is something extremely selfish about that, and I gladly admit that I benefit by volunteering to talk to the animals. I do a lot of that when I spend one-on-one time socializing with the dogs at the shelter.
I am convinced that my canine friends understand me, possibly better than I do. Animals can read a person’s character and from what I can see, they not only trust their two-legged friends but just like us, have their favorites. Love is all around you in a shelter. The volunteers, old and young want only the best for the animals they care for. They are committed to making the lives of those residents calling the shelter – HOME – better, best, and Bellissimo. The goal is to help find a forever HOME – for every occupant and until that is done, make their temporary HOME – a HOME filled with warmth, security, and LOVE.
And I’m also pleased to see young people serving as volunteers. Connor comes with his mother Connie, and they give collectively six hours of their time to make life better for Groot, Hawaii, Gimli, Zero, Florida, Sage, and their fellow brothers/sisters who reside in the West Suburban Humane Society.
I found it fascinating to watch the video of another young volunteer who socializes with kittens. His time is well spent because that young man will always value the spirit of a soul, even one who happens to be a small animal. That’s priceless as is his testament. https://fb.watch/9qT8lHlTPm/
If you’d like to be a volunteer, you can call 630-960-9600 and if you don’t have the time but would like to help, consider donating on GIVING TUESDAY to the West Suburban Humane Society. https://www.wshs-dg.org/
And Sage, she lives now with me, her foster dad. I fell in love with those big golden – WISE EYES.
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