May is Melanoma Awareness Month. Each Thursday this month, the Melanoma Research Foundation presents a virtual presentation on their Facebook page on subjects of interest to the Melanoma community. Today at 2 pm central time, they’ll be talking about the “ABCDE’s of Melanoma.”
Using the first five letters of alphabet a great way to distinguish what is Melanoma from a normal mole. Here’s what it means:
a. Asymmetry. Does one half of the mole not match the other half.
b. Border. Does it look irregular?
c. Color. Is it uniform. Are there multiple colors?
d. Diameter. Is it greater than six millimeters?
e. Evolving. Is the size, shape or color changing?
Those are the basics. Of course, they shouldn’t replace going to see a professional dermatologist on a yearly basis, but they’ll give you some knowledge.
Here’s some more basics on how to prevent Melanoma and other skin cancers:
. Use sunscreen
. Wear sun protective clothing
. Limit the time you’re outside during the peak sun period
. Stay out of tanning beds
. See your dermatologist for a full body check-up yearly
Use those hints to help avoid becoming one of the more than 130,000 cases of Melanoma diagnosed each year.
Related Post: Why do we wear black for Melanoma Monday?
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Filed under:
Health, Melanoma, Melanoma Awareness Month, Wellness