Enough already.
Has it finally come to this? That President Donald Trump has “blood on his hands”?
Yes it has. The slander has spiraled through the left wing and media precincts with all the speed of a coronavirus pandemic.
NBC News anchor Chuck Todd stuck to the script when he asked former Vice President and Democrat presidential contender Joe
Chuck Todd (NBC file)
Biden, “Do you think there is blood on the president’s hands considering [Trump’s] slow response? Or is that too harsh of a criticism?” Biden responded: Yes, it was “a little too harsh.”
A little?
Someone writing breathlessly in something called PoliticusUSA observed:
Trump’s weaponizing the pandemic is costing Americans’ lives. Trump has blood on his tiny hands borne of his incompetence, narcissism, and mendacious propaganda crusade. Trump’s narcissism has taken a new twist. And now he has American blood on his hands
Keith Martin, a physician who heads the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, warned that if Trump lifted the social distance restrictions too soon (he didn’t) that “President Trump will have blood on his hands.”
The bloody virus, having jumped the Atlantic to Britain, prompted in the reliably left-wing megaphone, The Observer, to observe, “Trump’s narcissism has taken a new twist. And now he has American blood on his hands.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi strayed from the verbatim script but hit Trump with an equally outrageous charge. “The president, his denial at the beginning was deadly,” she told CNN’s Jake Tapper.
Pelosi:…his continued delay in getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly. Now the best thing to do would be to prevent more loss of life rather than open things up, because we just don’t know.
Tapper: Are you saying his downplaying ultimately cost American lives? Tapper asked.
Pelosi: Yes, I am.
In their compulsion to find a new and more insulting descriptive of the despised Trump, Democrats have dived to new depths. Trump now is a murderer.
You can argue that Trump brought this on himself with his off-the-cuff and poorly considered remarks about his “terrific” moves against the coronavirus. And he’s getting pounded for it. (For example, here and here.)
But the insults are flying hot and heavy from both sides. It’s stupid and dangerous. With this new low coming from Democrats, isn’t it time to pack it in and concentrate on the real enemy?
My historical novel: Madness: The War of 1812
Filed under:
Donald Trump, Health
blood on his hands, Coronavirus, Jake Tapper, Jonathan Freedland, Keith Martin, Nancy Pelosi