School Choice is a moral issue, says GOP GOV Cand Jesse Sullivan.
Tonight’s City of Chicago edition of Public Affairs features millennial Alter Global CEO & GOP GOV candidate Jesse Sullivan (R-Petersburg)
Part 1 of our two part Jesse Sullivan interview airs on cable in Chicago tonight at 8:30 pm and midnight on Ch 21 (CAN TV).
You can also watch the show 24/7 by clicking here.
The show repeats in Chicago on:
–Tuesday, 9 pm on Cable Ch 21
-Saturday, 9 am, Cable Ch 21
-Sunday, 8:30 am, Cable Ch 19 and
-in Rockford and surrounding areas this Thursday, 8:30 pm on Cable Ch 17 and
-around the State this week on the Illinois Channel (Check your local listing)
-The show will also air next week in the Chicago metro N & NW suburbs, Aurora and Highland Park (See details here later this week)
Part 2 of the Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan interview airs next week in Chicago and Rockford at the same times and on the same channels as Part 1 is airing this week, as indicated above. ***********************************
In tonight’s show, we begin with a clip of Jesse Sullivan, GOP GOV candidate and Alter Global Venture Capital CEO, giving his take on School Choice and Q & A with show host Jeff Berkowitz on his background and guiding values.
Then, GOV candidate Sullivan responds to probing questioning as to how he would deal with fiscal, budget and other problems caused by:
(1) IL’s $420 billion pension shortfall;
(2) Relatively, very high IL professors’, K-12 teachers’ and state government worker salaries and pensions,
(3) IL being an outlier on K-12 education spending with sub-par results and
(4) IL’s shrinking population and large scale out-migration.
GOP Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan also discusses his approach to achieving reforms of State Government in a heavily, Democrat dominated state, where the Democratic Party holds power and generally opposes most if not all reforms candidate Sullivan is likely to favor.
You can also watch the show 24/7 by clicking here.
Filed under:
–, Alter Gloval, Alter VC, CAN TV, Charter Schools, Comcast Rockford Public Access, competition in education, Cong. Rodney Davis, Covid Disease of elderly and comorbidities, COVID19, Cutting IL pension benefits, Darren Bailey- GOP GOV candidate, Faith family and Service, Gary Rabine, GOP Gov primary in 2022, Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan, Husband and wife prayer, IL Amendment to Constitution on Pension benefits, IL cities filing for bankruptcy, IL excessive K-!2 education spending, IL excessive teacher pensions, IL excessive teacher salaries, IL excessive university professor pensions, IL GOP, IL outmigration, IL pension shortfall, IL spends $16, IL spends $16000 per kid per year on k-12 education, IL spends 416, IL subpar K-12 education results, IL's shrinking population, Jeff Berkowitz, Jesse Sullivan CEO of Alter Global, Jesuit training, MIlton Friedman, minorities benefit the most from school choice, NAEP tests for K12 education, Paul Schimpf, Petersburg, Ptersburg IL, Public Affairs with Jeff Berkowitz, Richard Porter, Darren Bailey, Paul Schimpf, Gary Rabine, $400 billion IL pension liabilities, Amend the IL Constitution, Cut IL state employee and teacher pension benefits,$300 billion in IL unfunded, Richard Porter, Gary Rabine, Paul Schimpf, Darren Bailey, 2022 GOP Gov Primary,, school Choice, school choice is a moral issue, school choice-school vouchers, School Vouchers, St Louis University, Stanford MBA, Sullivan raises $11 million dollars, voucher schools, Wirepoint think tank, Wirepoints slides,
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