Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Handout)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the freshman from Georgia, fired back this morning at the close-minded Democrats and 11 Republicans that booted her off her House committee assignments.
At a press conference she established herself as possibly the most eloquent, graceful, powerful and rational congressman in either party. And one of the most visible person in the Republican Party. She walked into the vipers’ den and emerged not just unscratched but more credible and loved.
If you had bothered to watch her entire press conference (I did; your cable stations didn’t), you now would know that you didn’t just turn her into a martyr figure. You also gave her an opportunity to establish herself as a national leader with an immense following.
By denying her the ability to represent her district on the education and budget committees, you have freed her up, as she pointed out, to pursue the conservative agenda not just in Congress but throughout the nation. By in effect partially disenfranchising the voters in her district, you have displayed the worst of your arrogant cancel culture urges.
If she had remained on those committees, she would have remained a largely ignored backbencher. Hell, I didn’t even know whom she is until you attacked her. Freshmen lawmakers typically don’t get much of anything done on committees. Now, she will be a much more influential national communicator, rallying conservatives around America.
When she agreed to take questions from the assembled media hacks, Greene further demonstrated her skills. You could sense the venom dripping from CNN and the rest of the mob. They obviously didn’t listen to her speech yesterday, in which she apologized for her previous posts. She repeated today that she was wrong and that she was refreshed by her confession.
Still, they pressed ahead with the same kind of accusatory questions laid on ex-President Donald Trump. Why, one reporter asked, aren’t you willing to say that you are sorry; you only said you regretted it. I’m happy to apologize, she responded. I’m sorry she said smiling–an answer that silenced the reporter. She was skillful, graceful and transparent, unlike Trump who too often was course, angry and bungling.
When she finally ended the hostile assault, she walked away with a smile and the pack followed her away. Walking into a spotlight that will outshine the pathetic accusers.
Aren’t you sorry now?
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Filed under:
congress, Democrats, Repubicans
Marjorie Taylor Greene
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