After briefly focusing on Ted Kennedy’s car accident yesterday, Chicago Tribune coverage resumed delivering news about the Apollo 11 mission as it wrapped up. Splashdown maps, artist drawings, and details about both their return to Earth and subsequent quarantine dominated the first few pages of the paper.
Despite the mission ending today, we will be sharing tomorrow’s paper as part of this series because coverage specific to the splashdown went to print on the 25th.
They’re Home!
Both the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Daily News celebrated the return of the Apollo 11 crew with celebratory headlines today.
News of Astronaut Recovery
Once the astronaut’s splashdown, they will begin their journey back to Houston via helicopter, carrier, and cargo plane. The capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean at 11:50 am, Chicago time, well after the day’s paper went out so all the coverage from the day laid out the schedule and plans prepared by NASA.
Headed to Quarantine
An Alderman’s Resolution
One of the more interesting pieces of news given the recent renaming of the Drive, is this piece. In it, Alderman Paul Wigoda shares his plans to propose a name change for the multi-named section of what is now Jean Baptiste DuSable Lake Shore Drive to Apollo 11 Drive. This obviously never happened, but given the enthusiasm for the mission it is surprising.
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News, Photo Gallery, This Week In Space
Apollo 11, chicago tribune, space history