A few weeks ago when I was writing about Chicago’s startling violence, (yeah, I know what’s new) I think even the most cynical and jaded among us were a tad surprised to read that Chicago has led the world in mass shootings for at least the last 6 years. Imagine a city that on 5 occasions so far this year had 2 in one day in which at least 4 people were shot and as many as 15 in singular incidents. WHAT’S NEW YOU SAY–SEE THE HEADLINE BELOW IT PRETTY MUCH COVERS WHERE I’M GOING TODAY.
Well in keeping with my promise not to pour syrup on a pile of shit and calling it pancakes like so many of Chicago’s leaders do, I have to say yesterday’s violence stunned even me. In just an 8 hour period there were 3 mass shootings, including 8 revelers shot on a PARTY BUS and one poor soul pumping gas on the street. All in all 30 folks shot in one day, 27 in less than 8 hours. Can you just think back in history and hear President Roosevelt’s words, “DECEMBER 7 1941 A DATE THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY.” Imagine one of Chicago’s so-called leaders applying that to 21 July 2021 “A DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” -No way- in regards to Chicago’s unchecked mayhem. Remember that old Irish Proverb that accompanies this post “THERE’S NOTHING SO BAD THAT IT COULDN’T BE WORSE” Only the most cynical and jaded among us would dare think, or say hey, Chicago just like our weather, wait a few hours it most likely will get worse.
I don’t eat pancakes and my wife won’t let me have any syrup so I won’t be the least bit optimistic that anything will be done to challenge the urban terrorists running amok on Chicago’s streets. A slowly, demoralized, and shrinking Police Department that has had 6 different Superintendents since December of 2015. Each one with a new plan to bring about an end to the violence. Mostly smoke and mirrors, change for change sake-“Hey look at what I’m doing, crime is down.” Sadly we’ve reached the point where even graduates from the Hadley school of the blind see the reality of the situation.
Crime is not only not down, it’s reached levels that are unprecedented. Sure the crack wars in the 80s had more murders some years, but back then Chicago had 2 million fewer people. More people currently are being shot in Chicago than at any time in its history, fewer people, and better medical and emergency care have kept the death toll at an average of about 750 souls the last 6 years or so, with over 25 thousand people shot. Yikes did I say KEPT?
Most people who are not familiar with Chicago may not be able to relate to those figures above but that is the reality Chicago is facing 12 people on average shot every single day and 434 souls murdered a record pace even for Chicago. Crack or no crack the numbers are startling and they do not even take into account the number of attempted murders where nobody suffered a wound just psychological wounds of being a target for death. In July alone for 21 days, 21 people have been shot a day. Chicago’s stores have to withhold the SYRUP our politicians are sure to make a run on, gallons of it. Chicago’s leaders and most of all the Police Superintendent whomever that may be should really think about the Words of the late Yogi Berra — “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING YOU’LL END UP SOMEPLACE ELSE.” The gangs know where they are going for sure.
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