Looking for the Good
“What is my purpose for writing books?”

My new book called Living Red is out! The journey has been challenging; however, my third book was published this month. When I self-published the non-fiction book, Fun4Babies, in 2013, I worked with infants and in the Early Childhood Education field so the process of promoting and selling it was a wonderful experience. Right after publishing, I got straight to work on writing Riding Waves. Since self-publishing went so well with my first book, I decided to self-publish this one too. I posted it on social media, and I did author and social media fairs, but without that built-in audience to sell it to, I have struggled. I love to write so I started back working on a book I started writing in 2000. When I had this idea for Living Red, which was originally titled Suppression, I switched to focusing on writing this one. Living Red took longer to write and edit, but by 2017, I felt ready to publish it. After less than wonderful sales for Riding Waves, I decided to see if I could get an agent. I knew the process would be difficult, but it was almost as hard to send queries and chapter samples following each agencies guidelines as it was to write an entire book. Some agents never responded, others sent what appeared to be a simple standard template rejection letter, and a few others gave constructive feedback. After three years of trying to get an agent and, of course, revising this book with each rejection, I looked at self-publishing again. I asked myself, “What is my purpose for writing books?” I realized that although making money and reaching a lot of people would be great, my true goal is to share my words as a way to entertain and inspire others as books have been for me. I hope my words do just that for you today!
If you are interested in Living Red, below are the links to read a sample or buy a copy as well as a short description.
Is life really that different in the future?
People can communicate and even travel through their thoughts, but much of what Peyton thinks and feels about are the same as what we experience today. She is searching for meaning and purpose in her life and work while struggling with secrets her grandmother is sharing with her about life before and after the war. Then she meets Dallas, this mysterious young artist who makes her question everything even more as she is drawn to him and his painting in ways that she can’t explain. This growing relationship, her best friend Reese and her grandmother’s secrets send her on a path of self-discovery and adventure. Can she discover the truth and learn to follow her own intuition in this future world?
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And read more positive thoughts Looking For The Good
All through my day, no matter where I go, or what I do, I am always looking for the good in people, in the world, in my life or even just in my day.
Filed under:
books, emotions, Human Interest, joy, people, philosophy
#fun4babiesbook, #LivingRed, #LivingRedBook, #ridingwavesbook, #susanmarieschulhof, #words, #writing
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Meet The Blogger
Susan Schulhof
While it is easy to focus on the negative aspects of life, I choose to continue looking for the good in people and in the world around me, and I want to share why they do what they do. I am the proud mother of three adult daughters and live in the Chicago area. I have worked in the Early Childhood Education field since 2001, and I write books when the inspiration comes.
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