What the world needs now is Father Spitzer Talks about LOVE

What the world needs now is Father Spitzer Talks about LOVE

Father Spitzer

There’s an old song entitled “What the World Needs Now,” by Dionne Warwick that came to mind after I first viewed Father Spitzer Talks about LOVE. Back when that song was first released, the lack of LOVE was minuscule in our culture in comparison to what’s going on today.

Over the years, our culture has changed the definition of LOVE to where it’s unrecognizable and without meaning. We use the word flippantly to describe our feelings about food or things (I’m so guilty of both!). Jesus always had a clear definition of LOVE according to Father Spitzer: that it was a self gift for the gift of the other; body mind and soul for the longterm or even for eternity.

The search for the perfect word to describe that was AGAPE.

For me, scripture has the ultimate definition of LOVE:

“Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, From The Great Adventure Bible, Revised Standard Version (my affiliate link)

This scripture was read at our wedding. Not only does it apply to marriage, but all relationships. This is our challenge towards others: Patience, kindness, refrain from arrogance and rudeness. Don’t insist on your own way. Don’t be irritable or resentful. Bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things … with LOVE.

Sounds difficult? Yes, but not impossible. Start with patience with some kindness thrown in and work your way through the list while humming Dionne Warwick’s classic song.

Please join me and other Catholics (and some not-so-Catholics!) on my Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram.

I also write for Catholic365.com on occasion, and CatholicMom.com every 4th Thursday of the month so take a moment and check them out.

 “This post was inspired by a recent talk on Understanding Love by Fr. Spitzer of Healing the Culture.  Healing the Culture is an international leader in pro-life advocacy, delivering respect life education to millions of people by advancing universal principles of logic, ethics, and justice.  Through their online resources, K-12 curricula, leadership training programs, and media productions, Healing the Culture has helped countless individuals reject abortion and euthanasia and become effective pro-life advocates.”

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