Hundreds of looters acting like shock troops have stunned Chicago’s Magnificent Mile and toney downtown area yet again. Just after midnight U- Haul trucks and vans and scores of vehicles and their occupants broke into several stores and sadly even attacked a RONALD McDONALD HOUSE connected with Lurie Children’s Hospital. The looting and mayhem lasted well into the early morning before police could restore a semblance of order.
To say that the city cops were caught by surprise would be charitable, to say the least. The onslaught was said to be triggered by a shooting in the Englewood district. The word spread that the police shot an unarmed 15-year-old. The cry went out TIME TO LOOT. The real facts were a 20-year-old was shot by the police after he fired 3 shots at the officers while he was fleeing the police. He’s listed in good condition but the facts of that case didn’t stop the millions of dollars in damage and stolen property from taking place. Evidently the time to loot had to go on regardless.
I’m usually loath to second guess cops and the decisions they make, but I would be derelict if I didn’t ask some serious questions that allowed the city to be ravaged yet again by organized LOOTERS. First off, if hundreds of people are being called to arms on social media to gather and loot, how could this information escape the cops and other authorities? The police were again woefully undermanned and unprepared. The looters did not walk from their neighborhoods to the downtown and Mag Mile targets. Some had vans, U-Haul trucks, and scores of vehicles that they returned to and loaded up with the looted property time and time again. WHY was the order not given by POLICE COMMAND OFFICERS TO DISABLE THOSE VEHICLES? IT’S NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO FLEE THE SCENE WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN MERCHANDISE IF THE TIRES ON THOSE VEHICLES WERE MADE INOPERABLE. THERE ARE DEVICES TO FLATTEN TIRES.
I repeat this is not a second guess, because any knowledgeable police supervisor should have had given that order. This tactic goes as far back as the late ’60s and was effective. It’s difficult to flea any scene with arms full of looted merchandise.
Immediately Monday morning the finger-pointing got off to an Olympic Torch LIGHTING beginning. The Top Cop started in rolling on the Cook County States Attorney KIM FOXX who he claimed was soft on the hundreds of Looters a few months back and refused to prosecute them. NO question about it, the Chicago Tribune identified over 25,000 criminal defendants that the State’s Attorney, Kim Foxx, refused to prosecute — some attempted murderers, assaults on cops, some for robberies and serious sexual offenses. What the hell would make anyone think she would prosecute or hold looters accountable? The guy had to say something, maybe to keep the spotlight off his department’s less than stellar response. But he hit the nail on the head.
Kim Foxx is the same prosecutor that refused to prosecute over 455 people for felony escape, the folks who destroyed their home monitoring system, serious felony criminals, including murder and attempted murder, and hundreds of crimes committed with firearms. Soon after the Police Superintendent was finished rolling on the beleaguered Foxx, it was the Mayors turn. She didn’t call Foxx by name, (no good democrat would say a fellow democrats name) but she did say that the STATES ATTORNEY NEEDS TO PROSECUTE THESE CRIMINALS. Be still my heart. DUH! IS THE ONLY WORD THAT COMES TO MIND. For those who read me, this might sound familiar but it speaks for itself. CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR THAT GOES UNPUNISHED SPREADS LIKE A VIRUS AND JUST INVITES MORE AND MORE OF THE SAME BEHAVIOR.
Mayor Lightfoot who never in her Mayoral life has accepted any blame for anything she has done that went off the rails, her scapegoats, somehow always hear these words” I DIDN’T SAY IT WAS YOUR FAULT: I’M JUST BLAMING YOU. So here is Chicago again in the National spotlight. Murders are up 139%, shootings are up over 80% and the blame game is in full swing. The Mayor is being called Mayor Undertaker, her handpicked Police Superintendent is being called the TOP FLOP and soon no doubt after the proper scapegoat gets thrown under the BUS she most likely will look out over the cameras and say to the people of Chicago ”WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE ME OR YOUR EYES? A once-great city is slowly circling the drain, ever so fastly. STAY SAFE.
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Meet The Blogger
Bob Angone is a Marine VETERAN and a retired Chicago Police Lieutenant. He worked his entire Career covering the streets of Chicago as a Tactical Officer, Tactical Sergeant, and Tactical Lieutenant. His last assignments were in special Functions, he was the C/O of the CPD Swat teams his last five years and was an HBT (Hostage Barricade Terrorist) Sergeant for 10 years.
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