My goal in 2022 is to read less and connect with people more! I love reading and always have. I wish I had a complete list of all of the books that I have read over my life. Goodreads is a wonderful way I now use to track books that I want to read, am currently reading, and have read. They also encourage people to set yearly reading challenges. In 2021, I set my reading challenge at 36 books, or around 3 books a month. With the pandemic, I spent a lot of time reading and surpassed my 36 yearly book goal by 87 books. I read 123 during 2021, which in theory maybe sounds like a positive thing, but I realized instead that I spent too much time alone reading during 2021 and even in 2020 with 88 books read. Before COVID-19 in 2019, I read 18 books and 20 in 2018, so my goal for 2022 is 36 books. When I reach my 3 books each month, I want to stop reading and reach out to others to meet in person, Zoom, or talk on the phone with family and friends. This might be hard since I have already read 3 books in January even though it is only January 24th and have a whole week left. Wish me luck, and share any unusual goals that you have for this year!
Check out my books here
All through my day, no matter where I go, or what I do, I am always looking for the good in people, in the world, in my life or even just in my day.
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Filed under: books, LookingForTheGood
Tags: #Goals2022, #lookingforthegood, #Reading