Donald Trump does it again. Every day there’s something new with him. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!!
I had zero plans to write today. ZERO! But as part of his daily tweet storm, Donald Trump did it again. He came up with this beauty:
“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”
Okay…okay..okay. Everyone relax. Neither He nor any President of the United States has the power to delay a federal election. The constitution says that Congress sets the election date. Even if you’re a hard core Trumpster, you can’t believe that a solidly Democratic House of Representatives is going to even think about doing this, do you? Okay…okay…okay…do you feel better about this now, If not, try some deep breathing. Glad to be of help.
What if the election was postponed? Who would be POTUS on Wednesday, January 20, 2021?
Trump obviously thinks that he would continue in the job. As usual, he thinks wrong. His term comes to an end that day. So let’s take a look at the presidential succession chart to see who would be in charge…
President-Trump’s term is over. He’s out!
Vice President-If Trump is gone, so is Mike Pence. He’s out, too.
Speaker of the House-Don’t get too exited, kids. If there’s no election, all members of the House will see their terms end. Sorry, Nancy…you’re out, too!
Secretary of State-Mike Pompeo? I would think his job also ends on this day, so if Trump is out, Pompeo is too. Bye, bye!
President Pro Tempore of the Senate-That gig is now held by Chuck Grassley, the Republican Senator from Iowa. He’s not up for election this year, so is he your next Potus?
To quote “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights”, “STOP RIGHT THERE!!” Here’s where it gets interesting.
There are thirty-five Senate seats up for election this year. Twenty-three are held by Republicans while twelve are controlled by Democrats. If there’s no election, all of their terms are over. If there’s no election, all of their seats are empty. Doing the math, that leaves the folks in red with thirty senators, while the peeps in blue have thirty-five. Control of the Senate goes to the Democrats. By the way, can you imagine the Senate without Mitch and Lindsey, but I digress.
Chuck Grassley will not be your next President! PHEW!
Your next POTUS will be whoever the Democrats choose to become President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Who that would be, I don’t have a clue and I doubt any of the Democrats do either; although being politicians, they’ve probably thought this through in great detail and probably for a lot longer than I have. Can you imagine the infighting for this usually useless gig?
I know all of this is really a convoluted exercise. I know he does this shit to make us forget about the pandemic, the economy, Putin and everything else that is occurring in the world of Trump. But that’s what happens when Donald Trump starts tweeting. It’s what happens every day when Donald Trump is President. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!!!
Related Post: How far will Donald Trump go to get reelected?
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humor, News, Satire
Chuck Grassley, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, Twitter