I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
Why do we wear black for Melanoma Monday?

May is Melanoma Awareness Month. The first Monday in May is called Melanoma Monday. It’s a day to raise awareness of Melanoma and the other deadly skin cancers. It’s also a day where I like to honor those who are no longer with us due to skin cancer. You’re missed and always in our memories and thoughts.
On this day, we wear black. There are two reasons for this:
The word Melanoma means black tumor.
Black is also the color of the warrior’s mood when going into battle. A Melanoma patient is in the battle for their life.
Besides black, here are other items you should wear to keep safe on Melanoma Monday:
. Sun protective clothing such as long sleeves tops and hats.
. Sunglasses, because Melanoma and other skin cancers can get into your eyes.
. Most important: SUNSCREEN!
Also, stay out the sun during the peak hours. And, never..ever…get into a tanning bed!
That’s my advice for another Melanoma Monday. Almost 100,000 people will be diagnosed with a form of skin cancer every year. Use these words to prevent becoming one of them.
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Filed under:
Health, Melanoma, Melanoma Awareness Month, Wellness
Melanoma Monday
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