“Wonder Woman 1984,” the hotly awaited and oft-delayed superhero sequel, has a new release plan — and it looks like this one might be for real.
Warner Bros. Pictures announced Wednesday at the movie will show on the HBO Max streaming platform starting Dec. 25 — and also in theaters the same day. Viewing it will require no additional fee for HBO Max subscribers, and their access will last only a month.
“As we navigate these unprecedented times, we’ve had to be innovative in keeping our businesses moving forward while continuing to super-serve our fans,” said Ann Sarnoff, Chair and CEO of Warner Bros.’ parent company.
The continuing spread of COVID-19 has prompted the closing of cinemas in many parts of the country, including Illinois, which has ordered theaters to cease operation starting Friday.
Gal Gadot, star of the 2017 hit “Wonder Woman,” returns as the DC Comics crimefighter in the new movie, which co-stars Pedro Pascal as Max Lord and Kristen Wiig as The Cheetah.