Tom Jones is the senior media writer for Poynter, the self-appointed guardian of all that is good and true in journalism (or what’s left of it). Jones, as his wont, blesses his readers today with his list of the best and worst of journalism in 2021:
“Here’s a look back at the best and worst of news media in 2021
“The year saw a continued pandemic and divisiveness over politics, race and social issues. As always, journalists were there to shine a light on it all”
The truth, according to Jones, is that the practice of good journalism just happens to be the province of progressive/liberal/Democratic practitioners. The bad is–ugh–those toads on the right.
Work you way through it–if you can–and tell me whether he misses a few of his targets. Missing from his worst list is the now disgraced reporting about the Trump Russian conspiracy, which turned out to be, well, a lot of BS. To the Pulitzer Prize awarder’s everlasting shame, it give its highly regarded and prestigious national reporting award in 2018 to the New York Times and Washington Post for their coverage of Trump’s alleged “Russian collusion” conspiracy.
Here’s Pulitzer committee’ laughable explanation why the two papers were honored:
For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration/
The Washington Post sort-of fessed up to the error with a mealy-mouthed skinback. Nothing from the New York Times.
I suppose that in Jones’ defense you could say that his awards were only for screw-ups in 2021. Nevertheless, Jones did miss the candidate for the most embarrassing reporting for the CNN propagandist who stood before a raging fire in Kenosha set by rioters, describing the “mostly peaceful” protests. By that standard, CNN also should have reported that the Jan. 6 protests also were mostly peaceful.
I’m sure you could come up with your own list.
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Filed under: Uncategorized
Tags: New York Times, Poynter Institute, Pulitzer Prize, Washington Post