That’s really all I have to say about that. Except that it’s criminal that one candidate can receive over SIX MILLION MORE VOTES than the other and his victory still be called into question.
What does a person have to do to win in this country? Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security called this the most secure election in American history.
Joe Biden won the same number of electoral votes (306) that Trump called a landslide back in 2016, only Biden won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by much bigger margins than did Trump four years ago.
President Barack Obama invited Trump to the White House just days after the 2016 election.
The President and Mrs. Obama could not have been more gracious to the man who put all of their lives at risk by spreading dangerous lies about the legitimacy of President Obama’s qualifications for the power.
Lies that he promised to substantiate and offer proof of, just as he has about so many of his lies, just as he promised to offer up his tax returns.
No, they ARE NOT under audit.
By pressuring election officials and lawmakers, Trump is literally trying to end democracy in America. He doesn’t want to be elected by the people, he wants to be appointed by Republicans who will succumb to his abuse of office.
That should not just offend, but scare the bejesus out of every American, even loyal Trumpsters.
Whatever happens, this is a dark time in America. Assuming that Joe Biden takes the oath of office on January 20, 2021, his ability to respond to the pandemic and to secure America on an international scale will be hampered by a selfish, corrupt, ignorant man who thinks only of himself.
Four years is not enough time for anyone to fix what Trump has broken and, in Trump form, he will blame it all on his successor.
The cruel irony is that, as usual, Trump and his team of self-righteous, self-serving sycophants is attempting to do exactly what they are accusing everyone else of doing; rig an election.
As usual, Vladimir Putin is the winner.
And that really is all I have to say this morning.
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America, Basket of Deplorables, Commentary, Current Events, Donald J. Trump, Editorial, GOP, Joe Biden, Personal, Political