Say What?
You can still connect with your Audiologist

As we shelter in place, there are challenges to get even the simplest tasks done. The one thing to remember is that if you need help with your hearing aids, call your Audiologist. Even though we are not physically in the office, most issues can be resolved without a traditional office visit.
Trouble shooting over the phone has resolved many of the problems patients have called to discuss over the past month. It’s often as simple as changing a filter or cleaning wax off of the hearing aid.
When having a phone conversation is not enough, video conferencing is available. It is sometimes easier to explain when you can see exactly what to do. All that you need is an internet connection and computer or smartphone.
Most new hearing aid technology can be fit and programmed without physical contact. We haven’t fully appreciated the ability to work remotely until now. Making adjustments remotely varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Any new fitting needs to be done in a manner that complies with state licensing laws.
In an emergency, there are apps to turn your smartphone into an amplifier. Ear Machine is available for iPhone while Android users can download the Petralex Hearing Aid app. With a pair of headphones or earbuds you can easily set up a temporary solution.
Our doors may be closed, but if you are having a problem, please call us and leave a message. We are learning how to be creative and want you hearing your best. Let us know what we can do to help you. We miss seeing you.
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Meet The Blogger
Dr. Sheri Gostomelsky
Dr. Gostomelsky earned her Bachelors Degree in Speech and Audiology at the University of Illinois, in Champaign IL, her Masters Degree in Audiology at Illinois State University, and her Audiology Doctorate (AuD) from the Arizona School of Health Sciences.
Dr. Gostomelsky is licensed through the State of Illinois, and maintains membership in the Academy of Dispensing Audiologists, Illinois Academy of Audiology, and the American Academy of Audiology. She has over 40 years of experience treating patients.
Dr. Gostomelsky takes pride in helping her patients understand what it takes to be successful in both protecting and improving hearing, one patient at a time. -
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